Bookshops and Marketing Strategies: accessibility, lighting and novelty item variety

Custom novelty items for exhibitions, museums and cultural events in general are available in a particular type of store called a bookshop. This is a business tool aimed at attracting visitors: you can buy books, reproductions of paintings and sculptures, as well as objects related to museum and artistic exhibitions. For the management of the bookshop it is important to adopt real marketing strategies, starting from the analysis of the target audience and market trends in order to propose to the public what are, after all, authentic promotional articles. Buying a novelty item in a bookshop means buying a memory that remains unchanged over time and that symbolises a pleasant day spent among archaeological finds, paintings or artefacts.

One element not to be overlooked when dealing with such a store is its accessibility. Everyone must be able to enter and move freely within the store: this means that the chosen room must be spacious and easy to navigate even when crowded, without furniture or shelves that get in the way. If there are steps at the entrance, it is essential that there is a ramp for the disabled. In such cases it is advisable to rely on the advice of a furniture expert to receive valuable suggestions on the placing of the various elements. It is essential that the shelves with the goods on sale are attached to the walls solidly, that they are tough and not positioned too high. Many recommend choosing shelves of neutral or even transparent colours, so as to highlight all the items on sale.

Lighting is also a factor to consider. People who visit art exhibitions museum and ultimately want to buy a novelty item will certainly appreciate lighting that is clear but not too intense. Strong lights, in fact, tend to create feelings of annoyance, and could prompt visitors to leave the bookshop quickly without buying anything. It is also necessary to avoid the opposite error, that is lighting that is too soft: it is necessary to find the right equipment, perhaps with the help of a professional lighting technician.

Another important rule is to pay close attention to the choice of novelty items, offering a varied selection suitable for different age groups. Goods should also include children’s games, bookmarks, themed stationery accessories, and not just generic items. This is a clear sign of attention and concern for customers. Furthermore, it is necessary to avoid displaying goods that are too large, which could cause the buyer transport difficulties.
In general, visitors should not have the impression of being in a classic kind of shop, but of a place from which they can take home the memory of an enjoyable experience. Souvenirs inspired by cultural events are also an excellent gift idea for those who are passionate about art and antiquities. It is essential to set up a bookshop on the basis of these simple rules, so that the overall environment is lively, welcoming and, at the same time, efficient and professional.

Bookshops and audience knowledge: study your visitors

Art exhibitions are events of increasing interest to the general public. The data on those held in recent years tells of more and more visitors who are interested and prepared. Art, thanks also to the new media that dedicate more and more space to it, is becoming more and more interesting for Italians and foreigners who flock to the exhibitions with prior knowledge of the subject.
Continua a leggere Bookshops and audience knowledge: study your visitors

Museum Bookshops: organise the ideal space in your museum

The museum bookshop must be organised with great care and precision so that you can achieve a perfect end result.
Let’s see how you need to proceed so that this particular goal can be achieved easily on your part without making a single mistake.

The space and the various areas

A good Museum Bookshop must be laid out in such a way that you can actually create areas where each item can easily find its own space.
This basically means that, when you have to create this shop, each category of item must find its space without there being limitations that might make it less atractive.
Nice novelty items on the one hand, T-shirts on the other, and postcards too: this gives you the opportunity to make your bookshop perfect and less randomly laid out than expected.

Lighting and displays

For a good organisation of bookshop museum spaces you also have to play with lighting and make sure that every single type of item can stand out and be noticed all the more.
When you create the first physical layout of your bookshop you will also have to choose how to best set up the different lights so that you can give more prominence to the type of items you stock.
Good lighting will make the spaces look broader and at the same time you will also have a real chance to avoid creating the impression of excessive numbers of items in your bookshop.
So design the lighting and make sure that it gives a lustre to every item in the bookshop, without any unattractive spots.

Large and small items and the spaces

Also try to always put small items in the foreground so that you can actually create a simple area where each item can find its own space.
You will therefore have to design this mix of elements with precision, or position them in such a way that each of them can find their own space more easily: placing large items in the centre of the bookshop could limit the view of small items and therefore make the overall effect less attractive than expected.

So try to focus on the dimensions of items to better organise the spaces in the bookshop, so that this can be seen as perfect and allow you to achieve great success without any particular limitation or constraint.